Reverend Anita Demeter Siposne
We are very pleased and excited to share a more complete biography of our new minister, Rev. Anita Demeter Siposne. Her role became effective on July 1st, 2023. You can read her complete bio by clicking here.

Rachad Feizoullaev, Music Director
Music is Rachad’s life. He brings a robust training in classical music and a gifted talent for the piano. Every Sunday he shares leadership with the choir in Sunday worship. He has a special talent for choosing music and words that reflect the topics and mood of the worship services. Rachad has a great sense of humour coupled with his wonderful sense of presence. We are fortunate to have him as our musical director.

Julie Swei, Church Administrator
Julie is the first person you’ll see when you come into the building on any weekday. She will always try to make you feel welcomed and will answer any questions you may have or point you in the right direction. Julie takes care of the day-to-day operations and communications. She is also an important support to our minister and to the people of the congregation. Julie speaks both English and Mandarin.